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Tag: match

Articles tagged as Match

Answers Count - Matching Keyword and Phrase Density

Posted on January 4, 2022 by Hilario Tomory
What is more important to your business success - the question or the response? Surely, you want your questions to reflect what you're searching for out.Obviously, your questions should be readily understood.Most definitely, you're hoping for some positive responses.However, what you really have to do is count repetitive keywords and phrases found in your respondents answers.If you agree with the doctrine about how people often purchase from the perspective of preventing pain and moving towards pleasure, you know how important it's to your market research, product development and sales plan to ask good questions and listen very carefully to the responses...

Search Engine Strategies For Affiliate Websites

Posted on October 26, 2021 by Hilario Tomory
The big search engines are always looking to improve their search results and to weed out websites with duplicate content.They are also weeding out websites that mainly contain affiliate links.This will affect quite a few businesses on the Internet that depend on affiliate links to generate revenue.Especially the last Google update kicked some significant affiliate players outside the catalog - leaving those sites out in the rain...