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Search Engine Algorithm Quandaries

Posted on June 8, 2022 by Hilario Tomory

Before you make drastic changes to your website after a rocky search engine update, take time to examine your web server logs, changes in traffic to your website, and your ranking in search engines.

Making Changes Before Analysis

Making rash decisions when you're hearing something then another from discussion postings and articles isn't the best decision to make. Much of the talk about changes in the search engine rankings is just that--talk. Cold hard facts come from based tests of what's happening and why. Do not jump ship before examining what's happening with your site first. Stress will lead you nowhere.

Let us discuss basic search engine principles you want to know.

Search Engine Rankings Fluctuate

First, you will need to understand that search engine rankings fluctuate; this is just the way it is. Google is a prime example of ranking changes occurring during the day. The best way to discover how you're faring is to examine the visitors coming to your website over time. Nope, not just a day or two, try a couple weeks at least to see whether your rankings return. A search engine upgrade may persist for a week before completing and the positions settle. Most of all, are you getting traffic in your site? Are you making sales? Okay then, something is working. Do not jump on the"change everything" bandwagon. Pay attention to what's true in respect to your site.

Nobody Knows Algorithms Like The Search Engines

The truth is a lot of this conversation about organic (organic ) search engine advertising information is speculative. The individuals who know precisely what the search engine is performing would be the engineers who made it, and they aren't going to give away their secrets. This means that understanding what happens when upgrades occur may be tricky to pin down. Keeping tabs with leaders in the market via articles, forum postings and sites may provide you a general idea about what is happening. Take that information and apply it to what's actually happening with your site traffic and sales.

You Require a Log Statistics Program

If you don't take anything else away with you from this article make sure that you heed this advice: you require a log statistics program set up. With a fantastic log statistics program you'll have the ability to see different reports showing the amount of unique visits happening on your site, what keyword phrases people use to find your pages, what pages are being visited, which search engines are being used to find your site, plus much more. Knowing what the"normal" site traffic of your site is will provide you a great idea about what may be really changing over time when upgrades do happen.

Resubmitting Doesn't Help

Do not resubmit your webpages at the crush of an upgrade. Search engines have crawlers, called search engine robots or spiders, that have the ability to get a web page through links so as to add it into the search engine listings. Because of this you don't have to submit your webpages to search engines . Even if you strangely go from"top ten" to number 500 in the ranks, the fact that you're still listed means that you're still in the search engine's database, and you don't need to resubmit. Watch search engine activity on your server logs and you'll have the ability to see if your webpages are being revisited by the robots.

Common Sense Makes Sense

Use common sense. If you're a small company you can ill afford to make changes that may adversely impact your bottom line. Observation and patience will gain you more than quick fixes. In my experience, the real test of an upgrade is seeing the search engine results settle over at least a week or two worth of time. Let the dust settle, examine the situation, and see what happens from there.

Moderation may be useful, whether in gaining traffic, making site changes or your responses to changes. Don't panic. If it is not broken. . .don't fix it.